Tuesday, June 19, 2007


there are good things and then there are not so good things. the sky was really awesome tonigh with the quarter moon, venus and jupiter plus one other tiny star. even from our city backyard the 4-star lineup was visible. this picture that arthur took doesn't do it justice. the astilbe are out and blooming in full force. they smell like sweettarts. true.

then there are the gremlins. arthur and i opened all the mail that had accumulated while we were away last night. in the stack was a money order for $500. money i have been owed for a long while now. somehow it has dissappeared. seriously gone. i think it got thrown out somehow... and honestly i can't even think about it any more cause it's making me crazed. gremlins.

if you click on the images they get way bigger and better. just saying. now i am off to the sleep chamber to get ready for another exciting day of pooping my pants on the hour every hour.


Corny said...

when you click on the pic you can see the other 3 stars.
My astilbes are pretty thin compaired to those fatties. Nice.

fairy butler said...

corny, the astilbe take a while to get going. This is their second or third summer now, can't remember. Yours will be bigger next year I bet.

How's the rest of the garden going this year? Did stuff come back?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back FB. I want to eat these astilbes! They must be cotton candy like.

Corny said...

The garden looks 100 times better this summer, The coolest thing are these two Sawtoothed Hydrangas that bloomed for the first time this year. I'll try to post a pick. Last summer there was a lot of work to do, this summer it's all full and happy, I find myself looking for things to do in the garden but it's all kinda done. time to get to work on the front of the house I guess.

Anonymous said...

corny, for the front of the house may I suggest a roundtable of gnomes and sundry creatures?

Perhaps recreate a manger scene but using only gnomes, rabbits and turtles. All available at your local Home Depot. Just sayin.

Oh, and FUCK gremlins and the griffin they rode in on. SMF'in gremlins are probably getting high on $500 worth of meth right about now.

Corny said...

Some POS gremlins locked me out of my studio this afternoon when I walked out into the hallway for two seconds to say goodbye to a visitor. I just got back from a LONG WALK HOME sans keys, phone, wallet, car.

fairy butler said...

OH jeese corny. the gremlins are getting stronger. You walked across brooklyn then? Cahrist. That is far!

sloth said...

beauteous, fb! I could see your butler using those fluffy flowers as a feather duster. Your thumb, it is big, it is green.

Anonymous said...

a gremlin shaved my head yesterday and then made me drink a bunch of coffee followed by beer and stay up all night. again!

the garden pictures are really beautiful. i'm in a place with a back porch overlooking a steep bank to a river, right where the water falls over a dam. lots of green hills, green trees, and the sound of falling water all the time. it's nice.

Anonymous said...

yes. long. 6 miles or so.

This past weekend I took a bike ride upstate, my chain and derailer broke 7 miles from our house (I have a speedometer on my bike), of course I didn't bring my phone.
I tried hitching a ride from pickups but no one stopped. I'm thinking WTF, I'm a chick with a big dorky bike helmet and a broken bike, the least threatening person in the world, but no one stopped. I walked home but was able to coast downhills on the bike so it actually didnt take that long. Lots of gremlins these days. I wish they'd chill the fuck out.

Anonymous said...

Wow, COrns. At least you are getting more than enough cardio for your troubles. How ambitious though, to bike upstate. I am so tired right now that I am out of breath even reading about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

I ordered a salad for lunch to be healthy and only ate 1/2 becasue I wasn't hungry. A bit later I noticed 1/2 of a bag of baked potato chips. I'm not a potato chip fan but I tried them. They were gross of course; not salty/greasy enough, so I ate most of them. Now I feel sick. I have no will power. I fear that I might eat my socks.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if it is an inappropriate question, but what is the going rate for someone to photograph an established artist's 2-D work? I figure you artisan types might know; being all arty and such. :)

They want 4x5 chromes and high res digital capture.



Anonymous said...

this is the professional advice corner, because I am in need of professional advice to! Fb, I need your eyeballs and insight for a project I am undertaking. Not sure how to get it started. Can I entice you to give up some of your brains over food or drink?

Corny said...

Hey toodles. Maybe around 50-70 bucks for the first chrome then less for extras.
Jean Vong has done a bunch of work for me before and works with a lot of different galleries, she has all her pricing listed on her website


Corny said...

also you can charge per day, 500 or 1000 bucks depending on the type of camera the photographer brings. The big-ass large format cameras gets more $

fairy butler said...

krix, sorry, just seeing your comment now. i was busy in the QA quadrant today. i am available for meeting. after work is good if that is ok with you? let me know when...

toodster said...

thnx for the input corny :)

Anonymous said...

no probs fb. I will email you soon and we can figure out timez.

also, I told dubz she needs to come and meet us kids for lunch. I will try to send an email out about that too.

dubz said...

cool. i want to meet you guys...

these are great pics, fb. did you ever find the money order? was it just an empty envelope? that blows.

Anonymous said...


too much time on your hands? heh. get it? hah. this is actually kinda cool. THey shoulda cut out the intro cuz it's boring staring at hands doing nothing but once the lyrics kick in, kinda fun!

fairy butler said...

hi, i am plagued by mysterious anxiety today. finally scrubbed the cat puke off the floor that's been sitting there for about a week. arthur just left for LA. now i must go to the shack and try to remember what I was doing again. lack of focus is strong. meaning eludes.

Anonymous said...

FB--I am plagued by unexplainable doldrums today. And I just left a pot on the stove with food burning--coulda started a fire or something.
I was at the shack yesterday just trying to touch every single painting I had going. That was my goal. I accomplished it, for better or worse, and am afraid to go back and see what I did.

Anonymous said...

seems to move everywhere dancing & music followed her like leaves on the wind

(this line was at the bottom of someone's email sent to my beige regarding business. Why do people put those cheesy quotes as a signature to their emails? Who cares??)

Anonymous said...

pd, are you sure that wasn't attached to cialis spam to avoid the spam filter?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha toods, that is funny. It's like, if a wanted a poem-a-day calendar, I'd get one!