Thursday, March 15, 2007


this morning on the L train a man spit on me. couldn't believe it. I sneezed next to him as I was reading a book standing and I guess that was not allowed in his universe. he was sitting down in a two-seater, saving the seat next to him with a nylon bag. crazy biz. so I just stared at him in disbelief and then walked away. An older woman and man watched it and said - I guess he doesn't want you to stand next to him jokingly. then those two were just talking about how crazy what happened was in quiet voices and spitter got all riled up. stop talking about me. yadda yadda. crazy bizness all the way to my transfer! funz.


sloth said...

oh no fb!!!! ick!!!!! what a crazy freak. not the way you want to start your day. You should be allowed to shoot someone for that.

once years ago I was walking in midtown & a crazy man spit right in my eye. He had dead aim.

fairy butler said...

arthur, no offense, but i was thankful we weren't riding together. cause that behavior warranted a beatdown and you might've lost it. spitter was clearly deranged in some way but was not homeless looking.

Anonymous said...

Oh FB I commend you on your restraint. He was probably waiting for the chance to take that revolver out of his nylon bag. The way I've feelin...I woulda lost it.

Anonymous said...

That is deeply, DEEPLY upsetting. Once a man was standing on a traffic island and spit into my open car window when I drove by. It was grody. I'm sorry FB. That is not a good way for you to start your day.

Anonymous said...

Gak, did he put gum in your keyhole?

Corny said...

when I was a kid my brother an I would stand on my uncle's balcony on the 22nd floor of an upper west side apartment building and spit on people below. I want to put an appology out to anyone who ever unaccountably got hit by flying spit out of no where. Sorry.

But maybe it's ok cause it was on the upper west side and we were hitting upper west side people?

fairy butler said...

spitting like that is more ok corns - he was a teen. that is how they communicate.

i really would like that burlap sack over my head today. then the banana treatment. i am supposed to go to the shack tonight. head imploding. will need large sack of smarties. dull eyes.

fairy butler said...

today sucked.

Anonymous said...

FB, my grandma always told me spitters never prosper. Wait, i think it was cheaters who never prosper.

I don't know much about spitters except for when the punk frat boy hocked a loogie on my in Baltimore. I nearly hurled. It is grossness all over to have unintended contact with the body fluid of strangers if you ask me.