Monday, September 19, 2005

handmaiden brooklyn

I am back on about the throw pillow embroidery art/custom work yadda yadda. Whenever i get to beige it starts up again. Mom thinks i should make a few just for fun and see what I think. Maybe try to sell them consignment and see if there is any demand. That would be a reasonable first step. the problem comes when I go to my studio and I just want to make bizarro embroideries that make no sense and are not even attrative with goats and blobs and bad taste. my truest ambition lies here, not in throw pillow. but?? the idea of making decorative items that are expensive is still compelling and better than sitting here while my ass expands on the posture-appropriate beige throne. i cannot harldy take it here at beige and feel like i must break free.

Is handmaiden brooklyn too goofball for the "company" name? (is there already a store called that somewhere? google says no.) I think it is better than my first company name which was satin pelt. That sounds too porn and bizarre. arthur thought i was nutzo for even thinking it was an option. i am clueless.


Anonymous said...

satin pelt is lovely. I guess it is alienating to the folks with houses who buy things, but I still really like it. handmaiden brooklyn sounds good, but I love satin pelt most.

Anonymous said...

fb, I have a friend who ended up ditching her job as a graphic artist. she just hated it after awhile. What she did start was knitting, hats, scarves, whatever. They were very cool and very creative. She ended up making it into a means to support herself AND it took her in a completely different artistic direction. . .lots of fiber making and dying, like into the world of fiber/weaver guilds and stuffs.

I think it is a completely viable option especially if you can find someplace to take your consignmet stuff. Plus, you could do blobs and goats and things and I would buy them. Completely. I think there is a market for your creativity as well as the stuff that you think might sell. And Brooklyn seems like it would be the perfect place to get your stuff out there. . .williamsburg, park slope. . .carroll gardens. . .there has to be craft type home furninshing stores. Plus you could sell online.

fairy butler said...

yeah, i can think of a bunch of stores around that would be easy to approach and I know some people who could help with press and knowing who's who to contact and such. i am afraid i will put these things out there and then they will not sell. i have weird taste - i really do. but i should try.

Krix, that is so inspiring to hear someone quit their job and it worked out! I am so afraid.

Also afraid of what it means to make objects versus art - which is ridiculous but kind of an identity thing.

Anonymous said...

Why handmaiden brooklyn? Why not just handmaiden? Handmaiden sounds pretty and magical, adding brooklyn grounds the name in a reality not everyone may want to visit.

fairy butler said...

yes, martin, just handmaiden may be better

Anonymous said...

I heart your idea FB!

and let me add this about my friend, not only did she manage to support herself, in San Franciso (expensivey like Manhattan), she also took crazy trips! Road tripped across the states, Hawaii, South America. Bezerker. She occaisionally would pick up a side gig here and there but it was never perm and never for very long.

It is manageable.

fairy butler said...

krix, you are inspiring me!

Anonymous said...

I am going to try to get in touch with her and see what she is up to. She was in Phila for awhile but may have returned to NJ where her bro lives.

I'm interested to find out what she is pursuing creatively.