Monday, September 19, 2005

forgot, arthur ran over a little girl

yes, yesterday arthur returned from his golf game and was a block or two away from the house when a little girl darted out into the middle of the street between parked cars. he was able to slow down a little before hitting her. she got up and ran to the curb and he called 911. it seems like she was ok. he was only going 20-25 mph. no fault on his part say police. but he was very shook up by it. when he called to tell me...ugh.


Anonymous said...

Oh how awful. I am gald she is okay. Kids don't really pay much attention--actually adults don't pay much attention at times either.
Sounds like you are a careful driver, though, not like many New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

Hey FB--please don't go to Iowa. What you have described sounds ideal, except you will be back in your hometown and maybe get caught up in family stuff? But everything else sounds sooooo good, I am sure it is tempting.

sloth said...

triple thank goodness for OK little girl! every so often there is a story in the news about someone backing their SUV over their 2-year-old, and i just wonder how you would go on with life after that. drugs? anyhow, all's well etc. arthur. the anxiety-images will stop eventually.

sloth said...

(slothy had a little accident with an ATV over the weekend, not a big deal but a close call that involved driving off an embankment into a rocky/woodsy gully. slightly banged up leg but no serious damage to self or vehicle. but the images of flipped-over atv and sloth-brains all over the rocks kept coming for a while after that.)

fairy butler said...

Oh Sloth!! Did it the ATV tip over on you? That's terrible!! i am glad you are ok but yikes.

Anonymous said...

Sloth--so glad you are okay. That is so scary. I am a professional passenger, so these driving stories are extra frightening to me.

Anonymous said...

oh yikes Arthur. I'm glad everyone was ultimately okay. Minerva and I hit a teenager who bounded out into the highway in Jersey. Thankfully Minerva had the quickest reflexes ever. The girl was banged up but ultimately okay. . .not our fault but that didn't matter. We were both freaked out. Still a little freaked out.

I don't understand why anyone plays chicken with cars. I really don't.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are both okay. That is so upsetting!

sloth said...

being in an accident was freaky, but a near-miss involving someone else, esp. a child, is scarier in a way. but maybe it can serve to remind us to be real careful - this doesn't guarantee a mishap-free life, but surely it minimizes the chances of future disasters.

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