Wednesday, June 01, 2005

most annoying song - a challenge

My lunching clan has come to the conclusion that the worst song ever is "we built this city" by Jefferson Starship. I am challenging this with the version of "cotton-eyed joe" that is played at Yankee Stadium (and accompaning lcd lite board dancing man) Other suggestions for worst song... i will offer one. please contribute.

Sussudio, Phil Collins


fairy butler said...

this is besides the frog jam as that is a cell phone ring, not a real song.

Anonymous said...

love lifts us up where we belong

Anonymous said...

I am partial to "we built this city" why? It was one of the first albums I ever had. Given to me by my uncle. Also there is a song named after me.

Anonymous said...

Careless Whisper?
anything by Jon Bon Jovi...

Anonymous said...

Uptown Girl

Anonymous said...

anything by REO Speedwagon

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me Krix...

How 'bout "Moving Out" by Billy Joel?

Anonymous said...

"Knights in White Satin"

Anonymous said...

ooof. Movin' Out. good god.

Anonymous said...

No, wait, I take all that back and submit "Call Me Al" by Paul Simon.

Anonymous said...

Round and Round by Ratt

Anonymous said...

Love lifts us up makes me think of Alex P. Keaton of Family Ties.

Anonymous said...

The theme song from The Facts of Life makes me want to tuck and roll.

Mountain Man said...

Part Time Lover by Stevie Wonder.

fairy butler said...

huh. billy joel & paul simon also were mentioned as hate-ables at the lunch round table. I see it is a shared phenomenon. I have special hates for James Taylor. Some Billy Joel amuses me...that captain jack will get you high tonight song I sort of love.

fairy butler said...

worst video: stevie wonder with the blind clay girl

or: billy ocean video with the space alien puppets in a cave.

Mountain Man said...

That was Lionel Ritchie, FB, in Hello. That is definitely very bad.

Mountain Man said...

I also hated Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam.

fairy butler said...

My parents really enjoy Elton John, Eric Clapton's greatest hits, and that "like a rock" band, I can't think of it's name. car commerial, awful.

Anonymous said...

You mean Get Outta my Dreams, Get into My Car? by Billy Ocean. What a pick-up line.

I know what you mean about Captain Jack...but once Billy started drinking the Jack...he came up with the losers.

Anonymous said...

My sister loved Manhattan Transfer...eeks

fairy butler said...

indeed. sorry to confuse Lionel Ritchie and Stevie wonder. oops.

Good call PD on the Billy Ocean. Yes, that's the one!

Billy Joel's uptown girl was the worst. That video. It was always on. I also hated that Jethro Tull video Aqualung with him in the orange jumpsuit playing the flute. anyone remember that? it was 10 minutes long at least.

Mountain Man said...

I had a friend who liked them too PD. Scary. I think Poison is definitely on my shit list for how they sound but not for how they look. They were lovely-looking boy-girlbots.

Mountain Man said...

I like that video, FB. Especially when he says "snot running down his nose." Sorry to dissent with you here.

Anonymous said...

Private Eyes by Hall & Oates. And the video where they clap in a close up? Precious moments.

fairy butler said...

are you talking the jethro tull video? I would like it now but it was the worst thing ever when i was 10 years old. That and Rush used to send me into a frenzy of rage.

fairy butler said...

i liked to roller skate to the Manhattan Transfer. There are worse things.

Mountain Man said...

I used to hate Rush too, and sadly, I hated Journey, who I now adore. I think Sammy Hagar in Van Halen was some of the worst music ever made. In fact, his pre-VH "I can't drive 55" is definitely one of the worst.

fairy butler said...

Sammy Hagar should be shaved and hung. I saw him in person at LaGuardia the other week on my way to Puerto Rico oddly. In this case it was not a bad omen.

Anonymous said...

I saw Sammy Hagar in concert. I don't want to be a lister but I have an extensive list of poor concert choices in my high school years. bad. very bad. Nightranger was among them. So was Aldo Nova and Quaterflash.

ooof. Quarterflash Harden My Heart = the worst video in my mind.

Anonymous said...

Yes, MM, I know what you mean about Journey. I have grown to like them despite having a brother who thinks he is Steve Perry.

Krix--I can't believe you saw Quarterflash!!

Anonymous said...

ugh. I know.

fairy butler said...

Krix, I absolutely love your concert list. Aldo Nova, ha. They had the laser shooting guitar video I believe.

I saw the Monkees and the Beach Boys reunion tours. That's pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! ยป