Thursday, June 02, 2005


You must rent the documentary Dig! - it follows the careers of two bands, The Brian Jonestown Massacre and The Dandy Warhols from their starts in the late eighties until recent. It's completely fascinating because the lead singer/writer for the BJM is this guy Anton and he is completely nuts - genius/homeless type thing. His behavior is so bizarre but inspired, but self-destructive - captivating. I keep thinking about the movie. I have been a fan of The BJM for years, after downloading a bunch of their albums for free years ago and it was great to see how the band has succeeded but failed. There is an interesting rivalry between the lead singer of the Dandy Warhols (which I admittedly don't know much about. Heard them at some time years ago and thought it was kind of lame, but maybe it is not.) and this Anton dude. It sort of touched on some things I could relate to in my own way which I will get into in the next post, the post I keep trying to compose but shy away from. Anyway, I highly recommend Dig!. It's on Netflix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the recommendation FB. I will be checking it out.