rainbow of the night - spread thee wings and cast upon thee the dust of cookies and cakes
i need to be hit with a club.
The Hare Club for Men? -sorry.
Anonymous, you should be clubbed for that one. FB, these bunnies are cute. Sloth wants to play with their soft, floppy ears.
Hey anonymous...with puns like that, I can see why you're anonymous. (actually, it is something i might have said...)
Aww...i lova the bunnies...
There was a girl in my junior high who had a rabbit-fur jacket. She had big tits and was a complete bitch to me. I hated her.
i pushed a girl in a rabbit fur jacket into the mud in 6th grade, sort of by accident. Her name was Chrissy. I got in big trouble.i love how dim-witted these bunnies are.
So FB, were you an activist back then? Or was she just a total beeatch?
I am having trouble concentrating today....on work stuffs.
me too! I see work as an imposition on my time.
i have no work to do. really. it is pathetic. I pushed chrissy because she was being mean. I owned a rabbit fur jacket myself then. yup.
I have some work...but nothing that I feel like doing! Ugh. So I'm reading stupid query letters.
that sounds like fun work to me! I am just shivering at my desk killing time and reading about rats.
I found a Harry Bertoia wire chair in the trash on my street at lunchtime. It's in perfect condition. Good-luck day.
Sloth, you took the words right outta my mouth ...d'oh!
good find sloth. Is it pretty?
i am in need of an afgan. very cold, cold nose. hp, was there a fight between the baby sirlings or serfs?
Yes, it is pretty and sparkly chrome.
It's cold here, too. Last week it was so cold I was forced to buy a sweater on my lunch break. I got it at Strawberries, a store I would normally not ever set foot in. The sweater is green and cost $15.
it is schnitzel and beer o'clock. I wish to meet you all at the beer garden in Astoria. We can be roustabouts and sing german drinking songs. Someone teach me a german drinking song other than Led Zeppelin.
That's tough Krix...I don't know one.
PD, there is the one about the cat and the beer, you know what I'm talking about!
Oh yeah...Sylvester-Steingarten
that's right. and there is that one about the icey toes.
Best regards from NY! ยป
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i need to be hit with a club.
The Hare Club for Men? -sorry.
Anonymous, you should be clubbed for that one.
FB, these bunnies are cute. Sloth wants to play with their soft, floppy ears.
Hey anonymous...with puns like that, I can see why you're anonymous. (actually, it is something i might have said...)
Aww...i lova the bunnies...
There was a girl in my junior high who had a rabbit-fur jacket. She had big tits and was a complete bitch to me. I hated her.
i pushed a girl in a rabbit fur jacket into the mud in 6th grade, sort of by accident. Her name was Chrissy. I got in big trouble.
i love how dim-witted these bunnies are.
So FB, were you an activist back then? Or was she just a total beeatch?
I am having trouble concentrating today....on work stuffs.
me too! I see work as an imposition on my time.
i have no work to do. really. it is pathetic.
I pushed chrissy because she was being mean. I owned a rabbit fur jacket myself then. yup.
I have some work...but nothing that I feel like doing! Ugh. So I'm reading stupid query letters.
that sounds like fun work to me! I am just shivering at my desk killing time and reading about rats.
I found a Harry Bertoia wire chair in the trash on my street at lunchtime. It's in perfect condition. Good-luck day.
Sloth, you took the words right outta my mouth ...d'oh!
good find sloth. Is it pretty?
i am in need of an afgan. very cold, cold nose.
hp, was there a fight between the baby sirlings or serfs?
Yes, it is pretty and sparkly chrome.
It's cold here, too. Last week it was so cold I was forced to buy a sweater on my lunch break. I got it at Strawberries, a store I would normally not ever set foot in. The sweater is green and cost $15.
it is schnitzel and beer o'clock. I wish to meet you all at the beer garden in Astoria. We can be roustabouts and sing german drinking songs.
Someone teach me a german drinking song other than Led Zeppelin.
That's tough Krix...I don't know one.
PD, there is the one about the cat and the beer, you know what I'm talking about!
Oh yeah...Sylvester-Steingarten
that's right. and there is that one about the icey toes.
Best regards from NY! ยป
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