Thursday, May 26, 2005


this is petty. the beige world toilet area is curious. often there is an armpit odor emitting, why? also when I am cloistered in one area does another person decide to inhabit the area right next door instead of down the way? this bothers the fb. the washing of hands for many many minutes also bothers the fb for no real reason.


Anonymous said...

Do not succomb to the OCD principle...let alone the O.C. on thursday nights on FOX. Both are Toxic to the beige world.

I have a whiff of the pits of arm right now. Who is da culprit?

Anonymous said...

I always excrete through my pits when I am in the toilet...doesn't everyone?

fairy butler said...

i am also bothered by a woman here who constructs an elaborate microwave oatmeal breakfast every morning in the office - with tea, a slice or lemon, and honey. it happens around 10:30 am.

but the bathroom mannners bother more.

Anonymous said...

Given the elaborate oatmeal ritual, she probably follows an hour later with the elaborate, and fragrant bathroom ritual. This is inevitable, however annoying, and should be stopped.
A little foil in her bowl may be a solution. Sparks will fly.

fairy butler said...

there are also two small new yorker cartoons someone cut out and taped to the refrigerator here. everytime i see them I become enraged. chumps. everywhere. the cartoons are not funny and make no sense. I must endure this every morning when I get the coffee.

Anonymous said...

You should work near a pond.

Anonymous said...

i must endure the endless gawking by sirs. I am angry. my ass is embarrased.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the New Yorker cartoons...GEEZ. What trash--potty toons if you ask me. They should be hanging in the stalls to inspire dumps...chumps.

fairy butler said...

i want to use them to distribute cat wetty in select cubicles.

Anonymous said...

Yes, especially the BEK ones. I hate those.

fairy butler said...

I sort of hate the New Yorker. I know that is wrong. It sometimes is ok and I do not judge others who enjoy. I just had to get this off my chest.

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Where did you find it? Interesting read ยป

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