Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Medieval Times

I have suggested Medieval Times for a company party and I put a charm on the email... enlisting an especially heavy metal cubling to help me with this. His raging bass lines have scrambled the senses of the bosses to much effect. I think we are taking the Med. Times bus to New Jersey. It may actually happen!!!! I will report on this new development later.


Anonymous said...

COOL! But do you have to eat gruel?

fairy butler said...

I am not sure. The website declares that "you will be served a royal feast" but does not specify further... this may be problematic.

Anonymous said...

Maybe roasted pig.

fairy butler said...

Just to clarify, I am not going there for the food. I suggested Med. T. because I have a real, fevered appreciation for jousting + "thees and thous." I have been wanting to go there for years - the same way I want to go to a Renaissance Fair and a Star Trek convention. Plus I will take it as a major victory if my ridiculous proposal becomes the thing we do for the company party. The world will then obviously be my oyster.

Mountain Man said...

When I was a boy there was a certain hussy I loved and we went to the Renaissance festival together and she fell in love with a knight with a hairlip (spell?). We never spoke to each other again. It was very sad for me because she was my neighbor.

fairy butler said...

That's a sad story mm. Luckily there is no one I love that will accompany to my trip to Medieval Times. In fact, I think it would be cool if a few of my coworkers fell in love there and became part of the act. I might have to bring my butler in his miniature version in my breast pocket on this special day. He wouldn't want to miss it.