Friday, July 13, 2007


Congrats to Sarah Peters on her awesome NYTimes review today!


Anonymous said...

rockout with your hampaw out!

Anonymous said...

unrelated: arthur and I are thinking of going down to the seaport to see menomena for free after beige. anyone interested?

Anonymous said...

Wow, so cool. Go Hammy! I'm very happy I ran into ya'll last night.

Anonymous said...

What time is Menomena playing, fb? we might just joins ya...

Fiona Ross said...

Hooray for sweet Hammy!

Anonymous said...

such excellent news! way to go Hams!

Anonymous said...

fb, sorry I missed you guys last night. I was imprisoned at the beige. I hope that I don't end up on the uninvited list soon for being such a lame-eo.

did you see the dubz and lupis relics? did you meet martin?

Anonymous said...

i didn't meet martin. no find altho i was on the look-out a little. yes we saw lupis and dubz and ran into the p eeps. pretty fun. sorry to miss you krix!

sloths. they play at 7 or there-abouts. i will email you.

Anonymous said...

show starts at 7, with opening band 'beat the devil'.

I've never been to the seaport venue but assume it's like most of these events, a 'curfew' of 9pm or something? So menoms should be playing by or at 8pm I'm guessin.

Anonymous said...

guess what? i read the review this morning, and ran into ham on the street in the afternoon.... it was too weird.

awesome review. what a great day.

i looked for fb... but failed. BUT, i saw the work of fb, ham, mm, corny, and ww. now i can rest easy.

gina said...

congratulations sarah, super awesome. i saw it up in the catskills, sitting by a lake, and was psyched for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi FB,
any majix today?