Tuesday, September 20, 2005

not meant to be mean

i am trying to write a letter to my grandma here at beige today. she has sent me a weekly letter ever since i left my parent's home to go to college. The letters she sends are generally the same, but it is cute (i guess) that she continues to keep the letter writing up. I also receive cards and set amounts of money for holidays and birthdays most often in the form of checks for amounts like 5$(for a holiday the caliber of St. patrick's day) and i think maybe 25$ for Thanksgiving. These amounts have stayed the same for the last 15 years. It's just funny to get a five dollar check and she can totally stop doing it but i can't say anything so I let it go. So every once in awhile I feel very guilty and I churn out a letter. it is so hard because her interests are hard to respond to and i just end up writing dumb dumb stuff. As an example - Here's a letter she wrote me last week:

Dear Fairy Butler and Arthur:

It's a beautiful morning here. It's going to be another hot one.

We're back on our fall schedule at church so I didn't need to hurry. The 11:00 o'clock service was well attended. It was rally day so there was a covenant service for the Christian Education Leadership. They said there were 160 in Sunday School, which is a good start.

Your mom and dad were here for supper Sat. nite. I tried a dessert recipe which was a success. It can be topped with either cherry pie filling or blueberry pie filling. Knowing they're fond of anything blueberry, that's what I used. My son fairly inhaled his serving and went to the refrigerator for another piece. Then he told me that beings it wasn't good, he was helping me to get rid of it. It was real easy to put together.

I got a perm on Wed. My hair was getting pretty tacky.

Thurs was Circle Day. It was the final day to turn in our MIssion Possible offering. Our Circle had $165.00. It's always way (underlined) ahead of all of the other circles; in our giving. For the program, a lady from our church had been on a missionary project with her daughter and her church down to Costa Rica and she showed slides. Living conditions there are awful!!

Love, Grandma

I love the the perm sentence best. I usually get reports on church attendance, people that died, and recipes tried. I think her letters are cute, but she is kind of a hard to read grandma. I always feel like she is judging me when we are together. One Xmas dinner she asked me flat out what I was going to do for a career. if i had finally decided. It's weird but reading her letters always makes me a tiny bit angry. Oh well. I just let it go.


fairy butler said...

she's 90 years old now I think - or close to it. she doesn't like to give hugs.

Anonymous said...

A grandma that does not like hugs? Maybe because of brittle bones?
As for the letters...I cannot relate as I have never had a grandma who spoke English very well.

Anonymous said...

Your grandma sounds cute and strange.