Monday, August 22, 2005

Char char and thinky think

1. The Mandrell Sisters. I was obsessed with this tv show. Louise was my favorite favorite because she was tallest and had dark hair. I wanted to wear their sparkly outfits and participate in their good, clean fun as a four year old. There were skits featuring sisterly high-jinx and choreographed dancing. Louise wore a lot of royal blue as I remember. God I loved that show.

2. Drivers that don't follow the rules. What is with the cars that off-road it on the side of the highway when there are backups of traffic. Why do these cars not have to wait. Why is there such cuntery all over the highways around new york. The most egregious violators were found in New Jersey, on the Palisades. Arthur and I play a game where we hex the violators with bodily injury according to the severity of their offenses. Some lose their leg to gangrene, some stub a toe, some are cursed with a slow, treacherous leprosy that leads to death.

3. A weird dream. Dreams are not terribly interesting to tell people about, but I feel like I need to put this out there.

Background info: Many years ago I worked at a restaurant with a very quiet pixie like woman who became a fairly encumbered heroin addict. Someone had to hit me with a rock to the head before I put it together. Anyway, it got bad, she got fired and went to treatment. Of course it didn't take and I was constantly in fear of running into my former work friend with missing teeth, looking worse and worse for wear, and I did run into her. It was always awkward seeing her with my mom on the train at night, knowing she probably just got back from the east village scoring. I always felt guilty but didn't know how to help her - plus wasn't a "close" friend, just someone I worked with. Anyway...whatever. I have no idea where she is now. Hopefully ok.

So the dream. I run into this woman at a coffee shop out of the blue. I see her before she sees me and I try to snake away, but she spots me and says hello. We sit down with our muffins and coffee. I look her over trying to gauge the situation. She looks ok. A little wrinkly maybe, and uncharacteristically intense. On her forhead is etched this symbol:

She sees me eyeing it and tells me it means she is straightedge now. I tell her that's great, good for you but inside I am wary. She is clearly nuts. Dream moves on to something else. What do you think the odds are that I will run into this person today? I find it curious when a long ago person - randomly appears. Also the symbol on her forehead is a symbol I see on abandoned buildings in Bushwick. It means not to go in - that the floors and stairs are unstable I think. Bizarre.


Anonymous said...

I often curse motor vehicle morons FB. I will have to employ the hexing the next time I have a rental.

as for the dream. . .if you did encounter this person, I wouldn't be surprised.

I like the straightedge/unstableness symbol tie in of the dream. Maybe it's a little creepy to you but it makes for good dream story weirdness.

fairy butler said...

that forehead symbol also reminds me of the manson clan - especially the portrayl of the the family in Helter Skelter, the made for tv movie from bugliosi's book. Urgh. What was the most famous one's name - like Sadie mouse or something. great name. I think she tried to shoot nixon or something.

fairy butler said...

no, fb, it is not sadie hawkins. squeak something? driving me crazy.

fairy butler said...

okay. it was squeaky fromme and president ford. phew.

Anonymous said...

I think you will run into her very soon. I often think of ramdom people and then see them later in the day. Last year I was driving my car, thinking random things. I started to think on this girl I used to cater with. She was not someone I ever spoke to, but I remembered hearing about how she had to quit school due to family hardship. So I decided to go to Marshalls. She was browsing through the racks and i couldn't help but tell her about how I had just thought of her and how wierd it was to see her. I swear she thought I was a stalker.

fairy butler said...

Hi HP!! me miss the HP. i hope i do not run into this person. it would freak me out, but we shall see what the fates have in store.

Anonymous said...

Hi peepers!!! Nice dream FB. The arena of nuts is profound in your wormpile. I just now have discovered I have lockjaw of the hands and mind. Frozen, lackluster, senseless, without purpose. Hopefully it will pass. I try to speak and glurps come out. Hmmm.

Hi Hams and Krixers. Let's get trashed and spin on a merry go round. Hams you may not like what is bound to happen with this mixture, if you receive my meaning.

I am placing myself in a footlocker until further notice.

Anonymous said...

Hams, are you still you?

Anonymous said...

I'm me, with excellent water intake today. Hi everybody!

Mountain Man said...

Hams perhaps you can mouth-hose me with your intaken waters. I am unshowered and grimy. Crippled in the head region. Communication through the antenna of fear is troublesome. Glurps continue.

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