Monday, June 13, 2005

something like this

chuckles and giggles to this humid morn in the beige blandness. I can hear my own thoughts and this is unwelcome, as the evil begins its slow and steady march. I would like to cover my cube in a thousand little thistles and drink the goat's milk today, strumming a mandolin, or sewing tiny beadies to cloths in special, magical arrangements, but sitting upright in the computer chair will have to suffice for now.

I am pondering a new form of employment - - outside the box. Krixfort's post about the pet artist has inspired me. What would people pay good money to have made for them that is not drugs or sex or food or cleaning? i can't think of anything yet.


Anonymous said...

needlepoint pet portraits

fairy butler said...

i have nothing to do and lack creative willpower. the spirit is taking leave.

fairy butler said...

i am starting to think about the craft fair circuit again. ruh roh.

fairy butler said...

HP, we have to devise a plan. bank robbery? selling fake pot? panning for gold? i feel my beige world days are coming to close - unless i start bringing in the wineskin.