Monday, May 09, 2005

Hidey Holes

I have been thinking about hidey holes often, how they are almost better than becoming invisible since invisibility takes so much energy and the correct potion of injestibles. (creamed corn brought to a boil, cooled and mixed with cottage cheese and orange jello with crushed pineapple. this is time consuming to make and packs on the lbs.) So, my butler was speaking with the dirt and the walls and they are in agreement that more hidey holes are necessary. An effective hidey hole will contain comfy quilts and pillows and accomodate 1 human + cat. Temperature will be set at 70 degrees. It is easy to achieve Fluffer transcendence in the hidey hole. I require a hidey hole/escape hatch in my normal habitats. I was in need of one at the wizard's temple but I had to make do. I could use one here in beige world too - and not the officially sanctioned "nursing room" - no, I need an honest to goodness hidey hole.

My second topic: roundtable discussion on shrimpmilk that occurred at lunch today. Where can one find it? What does it taste like? Do the shrimp lactate? What is the ratio of milk gathered to a net of shrimp? 1 quart per 500 shrimps, something like that? Are these special mama shrimps only found in places where salt and freshwater mingle? Et cetera. Please, I am looking for information on shripmilk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear FB,

I hear your wants of hidey holey. I am waiting for you in this place with the heat turned on to 70 degrees. I have a small cat, at least I think it's a cat, it has paper thin ears and yowls. It's cute kinda. Anyway, it's a puzzle for you to figure out where the hidey holey is. You can do it! Focus!
